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We are pleased to announce that the group training in the new season 2019/2020 starts on September 16 and will be every Monday from 18.00 to 19.00. We are waiting for you at Madách Imre school, Madách street 20, Szeged, Hungary. Follow our local Hungarian group on Facebook.

* If you need a personal schedule and training plan, our school offers individual training offline (we are based in Hungary) or online. 

Our school provides workshops worldwide! For the detail information please write an email for Melnikau Henadzi, head of International School Dao Empiretaichi: melnikovtaichi @ (without space between symbols).  The article about the school founder and leader you can find here.

Pre-registration, questions, and offers to provide online and offline workshops addressed to email: melnikovtaichi @ (without spaces between symbols), and by phone: +36 30 8785675.


Our Contact Details

Empire Taichi
melnikovtaichi @

Empiretaichi on Facebook in English
taichi in Hungary, Magyar csoport